cyber crime
Three Legs of the Caliphate
Met with the mac daddy Tampa Bay talk show host Jack Harris this morning and gave him an ARC of my newest novel as I promised Glenn Beck. Waiting for feedback from both of them. Still targeting September 1 as a release date.
Political corruption. Cyber and financial manipulation. Islamic terror. All orchestrated by evil empire builders to establish a Caliphate. Intrigue, power, deception, heroes, villains… what else would you want?
Much research with Muslims of different colors was done, and I hope I strike a good balance between “good” and “bad” Muslims. Radical Islamic terrorists are thugs who use their bastardization of Islam to push their own agenda—in the same manner as all conquerors and dictators throughout history.
Writing this scared the bejezus out of me, and it still does. If you look at current events with the lens I place in front of your eyes, I’m sure you’ll also find a few of the intertwining storylines to be frightening.
If you’re interested in reading an Advanced Reader Copy, email or reply.