Books By


Brothers: Vengeance

Brothers: Vengeance

Jason Patterson sets out to avenge the murder of his brother but finds an even more sinister plot unfolding, one that must be stopped.

Jason and Craig Patterson are young philanthropists, brothers who inherited a large family-owned corporation from their father. But the new CEO, Steve Jaggers, is a greedy and selfish opportunist who wants to strip it away and gain personal control of over $120 million in share value.

To accomplish that goal, Jaggers enlists a Venezuelan man with a murky history and questionable motives. Soon, Jagger’s partner starts to suck him deeper into a far more sinister web of international intrigue, a web that involves extortion, financial manipulation, and human trafficking of children for sex and labor. When they murder Craig Patterson and one of Jason’s best friends, Jason discovers that Jaggers is responsible and pledges to prove it and avenge his brother’s death.

Jason and Craig were two of a four-member brotherhood, devoted friends since childhood. Now, only J.L. White, a Biloxi, Mississippi, Detective, and Jason remain alive to unravel the conspiracy and bring Jaggers and his South American accomplices to justice.

But Jason uncovers a plot far more complex and deadly than he ever… Continue reading

The Robbins: old farts gone bad. Free eBook

Cover_front_ALT_200The Robbins are determined to get their money back—and get even.

When an arrogant and selfish 26-year old, Ken Paulson, inherited a large national jewelry store chain, he probably shouldn’t have fired 72-year old Wayne Robbins, a brilliant engineer who helped Ken’s father build the company. And he certainly should not have stolen Robbins’ retirement funds, patents, and royalties.

But, he did.

The need to survive forces Wayne to develop a brilliant plan. Traveling the country in their motor coach, these sweet grandparents devise and execute perfect crimes. But they must overcome unexpected challenges, conspiracies, intrigue, and crossed loyalties. Finally, they must face and out-smart not only Ken Paulson but also the people they fear the most.

This may not end the way you think it will.


Tomorrow, I’ll be offering my historical thriller, Roland: of pirates and patriots, as a free eBook download. If you’re interested in that one, too. CLICK HERE tomorrow.

The Robbins: old farts gone bad


The Robbins: old farts gone bad

I’m writing a new novel. My wife and I recently bought an RV–whoops, I mean “motor coach”–and are starting to travel and meet the rather eclectic mix of people who do the same thing. Fascinating. So I’m thinking: what sort of trouble can a couple of travelling old farts get into?
Here’s a clip:

Chapter One

Early October 2015

The tall old man pressed against the rough concrete block wall, pushed his wispy silver hair—what was left of it—back along the sides of his head, and waited. The footsteps grew fainter then stopped, followed by the distant sound of a car door opening.
He had disabled a wall-mounted security light with a rock, but it still had a strange blue glow that didn’t do much to illuminate the side of the store; he still felt exposed. He pulled his worn olive-drab coat tighter against the night chill, pushed up his thick glasses and controlled his breathing as best he could as the headlights of the saleslady’s car swung around the corner then pointed toward the main road. After a moment, it receded and almost total quiet returned.
Wayne Robbins flexed his hands, scratched… Continue reading