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Sim Flight Library

Sim Flight Library is a code-based software program that provides over a hundred pre-designed flight plans from ‘easy’ to “challenging’ to ‘good luck’.  They are mostly IFR but it includes some interesting and fun VFR experiences as well. For X-Plane simmers, we provide FMS files for the IFR flights. In addition to the pre-designed flights, you can build six custom flights of your own design. As a bonus, you can attempt seven of the most difficult commercial flights in the world with FMS only. Good luck with those!

Performance specs for fourteen planes are provided, but they are fully customizable so you can choose your own favorites.

The software program generates Way Points in the flight plan and calculates the TOD from each. It also approximates the expected distance to altitude.

Visual flight plans from SkyVector and approach plates for each flight are can be displayed at a click.

Program Download: SimFlightENGINE

Here are the FMS files:FMSfilesFiles which go into your X-Plane simulator program.

Approach Plates Menu:  Approach Plates.  Each non-US approach plate is on its own webpage. US plates are in the SkyVector link.

This uses MS Excel only as its GUI. It is virus-free, locked, and can’t damage your computer or be broken. If you screw up any text, no worries, just reopen the program or click on Reload. It all regenerates with no errors.

NOTE: some AV programs may object to the SimFlightENGINE.xlsm file because of the macro. However, the code-behind of this product has been tested, is locked and clean. If your computer complains, see the Installation Advice below .

Installation Advice: To unlock the SimFlightENGINE if blocked by Windows:

  • Extract the zip file into a new folder (maybe name it ‘Sim Flight Library’).
  • Right-click on the SimFlightENGINE program file and choose ‘Properties’.
  • At the bottom of the ‘General’ tab, in the Security section, click on the ‘UnBlock the file’ checkbox.
  • In the ‘Developer’ tab, click on ‘Macro Security’ and make sure the ‘Enable VBA macros’ radio button and the ‘Enable Excel 4.0 macros…’ are clicked.
  • Reopen the file.

By the way, in your X-Plane FMS folder, you’ll find some surprise flights. Consider them a test. (Try ENSOENSG, for example). Good luck.

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