Books By

Job Seekers

Integrating Sales Process into Job Seeking

You are your most important product. It makes sense to learn how to use successful sales process to sell yourself.

Reinventing Yourself – Or Not

You can look at unemployment in two ways: tragedy or opportunity. Tim prefers opportunity.

New Job/Same Task. If your last job was the most fulfilling occupation you could ever imagine, then your task is easy. You know where to look.

New Job/Different Task. If your last job was not challenging, if it was boring and just awful, then you can use strength-based techniques to find your strengths package, your special collection of aptitudes, passions, and values. Then you look at what skills you can best develop from your package. Then, you figure out where to look for the job that will make you really happy. It may be absolutely nothing like your last job.

Entrepreneurship. You are the employer and your job can be wherever your strengths package takes you. This is scary water, but potentially the most rewarding decision you ever make. What you do and how you do it depends on your strengths package.


Success comes from Exceptional Strengths, not Mediocre Weaknesses

Understand and focus on your Strengths. Build them to be exceptional.

Understand but don’t dwell on your Weaknesses.

Keys To Success

Resources for building your Strength Package