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Sim Flight Library

Sim Flight Library is a code-based software program that provides over a hundred pre-designed flight plans from ‘easy’ to “challenging’ to ‘good luck’, They are mostly IFR but it includes interesting and fun VFR experiences as well. For X-Plane simmers, I provide FMS files for the IFR flights. This uses MS Excel as it’s GUI.

The software program displays the Way Points in the plan and calculates the TOD from each. Performance specs for fourteen planes are provided, but they are fully customizable so you can choose your own favorites.

Visual flight plans from SkyVector and approach plates for each flight are can be displayed at a click. I’m interested in your comments, bug reports, and opinions about marketability.

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Here is the main program file: Sim Flight Library ENGINE

Here are the FMS files: Sim Flight FMS files            Approach Plates:  Approach Plates